stress management in the workplace (tactics).
stress management in the workplace (tactics).
Whether you are struggling with deadlines, boredom, bullying or reorganization will affect your work, here are some tactics that will help you manage your stress at work.For most people, work is a source of satisfaction, pride and self-realization. However, almost every job can cause stress.
A certain amount of stress can provide the energy and motivation to do our job. However, when the demands are excessive, beyond the capacity of an employee or are accompanied by a check or insufficient support, stress can have negative effects.
stress management in the workplace (tactics).
Where does the stress in the workplace?
The most common cause of stress at work is the lack of time and excessive workload. Followed by poor interpersonal relationships and the risk of accidents and injury.Depending on your situation, stress can also be caused by many other factors such as boredom, repetition, unrealistic deadlines, adapting to change, a new job, the feeling of having no future the fear of losing his job, a noisy environment or unsafe, office politics and conflict with difficult people, even tyrants.
In addition to the very real external factors, one of the elements that contribute to your feeling of stress is how you react to these factors. For example, if your boss makes a critical to you, you may think it is not satisfied with your work, which can make you worry or pessimistic. But you can also interpret this criticism as an opportunity to improve yourself and succeed.
Whatever the cause, stress is a very real problem that can cause a variety of physical, emotional and behavioral disorders, such as: irritability, poor concentration, fatigue, insomnia, anxiety, boredom, back pain, heart disease, disorders digestive, hypertension, alcoholism and consumption of drugs. Stress can also affect your immune system and make you more willing to illness and even cause depression.
Coping with stress

stress management in the workplace (tactics)
It is important to immediately address stress in the workplace so it does not give rise to more severe symptoms. Depending on your situation, you might find one of these useful tips: 
- Think positively. Try to avoid negative thoughts and excessive analysis of what your colleagues say or do, as this may distort your perception and increase your stress.
- Acquire new skills. Purchase a book on assertiveness, communication or conflict resolution. Practice saying "no" politely but firmly and learn to deal with people or difficult situations.
- Learn relaxation techniques. Take deep breaths , practice meditation or doing simple anti-stress exercises to allow your body to relax and improve your well-being.
- Do not forget to laugh. Humour helps eliminate stress. Tell your colleagues jokes, watch funny shows on TV and try to find humor in every difficult situation.
- Make changes to your lifestyle. Get regular exercise to reduce tension, help you sleep and improve your self-esteem. Eat healthy foods instead of junk food on the go or at your desk. It's good for you and you will feel much better.
- Take a break. Take regular breaks, whether the 10-minute walks at lunchtime, take a day off to indulge in your favorite activities or schedule annual or semester breaks. Read Easy ways to get a real break if you want more ideas.
- Talk to your employer. If you're struggling with a stressful situation at work, ask for help. For example, if you are in an extremely noisy or hazardous environments or if a colleague is acting improperly, please contact your supervisor or human resources department to find out what to do.
- Ask for help. Take advantage of employee assistance program if your employer offers one. You can also contact your health care provider for recommendations someone.
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